Sunday, November 17, 2013

Too Small For This Life

Too Small For This Life

All of my life I’ve tried to be big,
As big as the life I’ve been given.
But the truth is I’m small,
I easily fall,
More often feel pushed than driven. 

I pause to consider my place in this world,
So hard to find a tether.
I flail about
My strength giving out
Surrounded by inclement weather.
I have no answer my fate pre-assigned
My destiny hangs in the balance
I drift on each day
My vessel asway
Lacking the much needed ballast. 

Oh where will life take me, what choice do I have?
I plead to the Gods to show me.
Impatient I stand
My heart in my hand
With hope that one day I will know me. 


yuplisnin said...

Some objects are much larger than they appear. You strike me as a highly concentrated substance.

yuplisnin said...

Not small at all, actually.