Monday, January 31, 2011

The Truth

Who am I to believe that I know "the truth" over anyone else. Such arrogance would surely impede my ability to see the truth before me. I am as qualified as any and as ignorant as well. For that matter, who am I to believe that there is one single constant truth? With humility, silence, and an open mind and heart I can only hope to attune myself to the truth that exists in each moment; the truth that is specific for that situation, time and place. With trust I can hope to allow others to see the truth before them and to use it as a guide along the path that is theirs. With love I can support them on their path and accept support as well as I take each step with an openess toward each new truth before me.

1 comment:

rachel fay said...

Are you kidding me? This is what I've been thinking about today! Very well written. May I quote you? Thanks Mat, for putting so well into words what are often elusive ideas and ideals.