Monday, October 8, 2012

Connecting With the World

I recently did some exploring on my personal blog page and discovered the tracking system that Blogspot uses to give me information about who is viewing my blogs.  It was quite exciting to see that my posts have been viewed by people all over the world.  All told, in addition to the views from readers in the United States, my entries have been viewed by readers from The Philippines, Malaysia, France, Germany, Latvia, Canada, The UK, China and almost 10% of the nearly 1,000 hits I've had thus far are viewers from Russia.

For anyone who has read my profile entry for this blog, you know that when I started writing it, I really cleared my mind of the idea of who might read it and was truly OK if nobody ever read it.  To say that I don't care if anyone reads my blog, however, would be a complete lie. While I do not want what others think to be the drive behind my writing, the fact that it has reached others is very special to me.  It is such a gift whenever anyone takes the time to stop to consider what I have to say. 

To anyone who has read even one entry of my blog, I extend my sincere thanks.  I also very much appreciate it that so many have taken the time to comment, as I know that I often read a blog I enjoy and don't end up leaving a comment to let the author know what I thought.  For anyone who hasn't left a comment but has an opinion to share, I would love to hear from you.  I am so interested to hear how readers from other Countries, as well as The US, came across my blog and what they do or don't like about what I have written.  I am especially curious about the Russian readers as there are so many views from your Country.  It would be so interesting to hear how it is that my blog came to you attention and which entries you have read.  To my best understanding, my settings are now set such that anyone can leave a comment without becoming a follower of my blog.  I hope this makes it quicker and easier to do. 

If it is not your thing to leave a comment, now worries,  I am just so glad you took the time to read. 


1 comment:

Cat Smith said...

You're welcome. ;)